Brookie Cade

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HI! Imma Nerd but You Can Call Me Brook :D

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Giddy as Fuck

So...I went to the mall with Johnny, Soda, and Kit. We ate breakfast at some place. Then we went to the pet store and there were the cutest animals I've ever seen there! I swear. I think even the snakes looked cute. :P There was this one little puppy. She was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I went up to the desk to ask this guy Simone how much she was. He said $500. I looked at Johnny real innocent. He said no right away. I pleaded and pleaded but he didn't change his mind. Johnny and Soda had to pretty much drag me out of the store to get me to go home. To try and cheer me up we went and got snow cones ,and when that didn't they threw them at me. Then Kit put hers down my shirt ,and was a mess. I threw mine at her and it hit soda in the face and he threw his. It turned out to be pretty fun. I still kept thinking about the dog though. We all went home and took showers and everything. I was pretty worn out so I passed out on my bed. I woke up to something nipping me in the nose and a small yelp. It didn't hurt that bad...,but it was surprising. I opened my eyes. and I screamed real loud. I was so happy!! It was the puppy from the store! I picked her up and ran into Johnny's room and started jumping on his bed and screaming name to wake him up. He did then tripped me and I fell. :P He asked what the hell I was doing waking him up so early! I said thank you and hugged him. He shoved me off. He asked what for. Then he saw the dog and said. "Oh yea! Soda dropped him off last night" I was shocked "It's a girl Johnny" "Oh sorry I forgot. Soda dropped HER off lastnight. Happy?" "Very!" He told me I was so passed out Soda put her on my bed and she layed down and fell asleep :3
I threw on some close and put my hair in a pony tail then ran over to his house. It was like 9 a.m. still but I didn't care! I picked her up and ran. I opened the door and Soda was sitting on the couch with Katie. I looked at him in shock still and he smiled real big. I didn't know what to say! I was so happy!!! He asked if I liked it. "You kidding?! She's the cutest thing I've ever seen I love her Soda thank you so much!!" I asked him why he even bought me her though. He told me I looked like I was gonna cry when we left the store. I gave him a huge hug. It's like the best present I've ever gotten. I must have been screaming cause Pony, Kit, and Darry all came out. Darry and Kit were pretty pissed that I woke them up. Pony didn't care haha. Neither did I! I was too happy to care! Katie looked at me and asked what I was gonna name her. I held her up and looked at her face. I said Cupcake and smiled real big. Pony said, "I don't think Johnny's gonna like that name Brooks" I looked at him with a I lightley hit him in the face "I don't think it's his dog Pony so I don't care." I played with her all morning! Thank You Soo much! I'm still so happy!!(: I'll post more about her later!!!!!:D

<--- My Cuppy Cake :3 <3


  1. Piss comes out of your privets when you drink too much water

  2. srsly carson? its not that hard to read it!

  3. Johnny accually let you name your puppy cupcake? Are you sure it was real Johnny and not some allian imposter?

  4. Awww. I am so pleased with that name Brookie!!! :D

  5. Its soo cute i may just come over and steal it while asleep

  6. i swear if you try to steal her i'll shoot you...luv ya(:

  7. Cupcake? CUPCAKE? Are you serious? Out of all the dog names in the world you picked cupcake? You could of picked Fluffy, Spot, Maxie, Muffins, Brady, O'Ryan, Muffins, Muffins, Muffins. :D

  8. johnny it is her dog but w.e im soooooooo happy for you maybe one day my princess can come over and we can play haha

  9. *cough* Maxie isn't a dogs name *cough*

  10. O'ryan? That is the worst dog name in the history of the WORLD. and i like cupcake broox :)

  11. i like carsons comment about my dads dick. bahahah

  12. oh! and i hope spunky doesnt kick his ass :S.
